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Waterlily Wednesday: Meet Kelly

Happy Waterlily Wednesday: meet another awesome member of the Waterlily team, Kelly! Whenever I’m scheduled to work with Kelly, I know I’m in for lots of laughs and smiles. She is someone who is super down to earth and easy going, we love her laid back vibe. She’s also a great go-to gal for advice. Which is why it’s so fitting that she will be heading back to school in May to study school counseling. You go girl! Let’s not forget to mention Kelly's adorable new furry friend, her puppy, Koda! 

Take a look into Kelly (and Koda’s) life:


Q: What’s your favorite part about working at Waterlily?

A: Hmm that's a tough one because there is so much to love about working at Waterlily! But if I had to pick one of my favorite things it would have to be all the relationships I have built while working here. I wouldn't even consider the other Waterlily girls as co-workers or bosses, more so really good friends! They make coming to work enjoyable and fun! I've also gotten to know a lot of the regular customers so it makes for a really laid back and fun work environment.


Q: Go-to Pandora station, while at work?
A: I love all types of music so it really depends on the day. I typically listen to Matisyahu or country. Recently I've been listening to Tropical House Radio..kind of a weird station but has a lot of today's hits remixed into reggae songs which I find to be interesting.
Q: What’s something you’d love to learn to do?
A: Sing! It's actually quite remarkable how terrible I am so I'd love to learn how to hit a note or two. I'd also love to be able to speak another language fluently. 
Q: What’s your favorite place you traveled?
A: Ireland. A few years ago me and 2 of my roommates traveled throughout Europe for a month and I got to see so many beautiful countries and cities. Ireland was definitely my favorite though. I'm trying to convince my dad to go back with me soon to see where our family came from! 
Q: If you were granted a ticket to anywhere, where would you go?
A: Thailand. The beaches and attractions look beautiful! I also love elephants so riding one would be a dream come true!
Q: What was your very first job?
A: I guess technically it would be babysitting. I've always loved working with kids which is why I am getting my masters in school counseling!


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