

This is a word that after doing a little research, both cooper & ella and Thirty One Bits have in common.  We have carried cooper & ella in our stores for a while, and just a few months ago we started carrying Thirty One Bits.  I knew a little about the jewelry company, but when we received our most recent shipment of cooper & ella tops, i noticed on the the tags that for every item purchased, they vow to buy a hot meal for a child in need in Bangalore, India.  I decided to go to both websites and check things out a little more.     


66 million primary school aged children go to school hungry everyday.  Kara Mendelsohn, one of the founders of cooper & ella, decided that she was somebody who could do something about that statistic.  In 2014 they launched Empower.  For every single top bought from the company, they will donate a portion to HOPE Foundation School in Bangalore, India.  HOPE will then provide each child in the school a hot meal, which, for many, will be their only meal of the day.  


Thirty One Bits is a jewelry company whose gorgeous pieces are made from beads made of paper.  It was started by a group of friends in college, one of whom had traveled to war torn Uganda and met women who had nothing, but were making beautiful jewelry from old posters.  The college friends decided to start a company that would benefit these Ugandan women.  They began a 5 year program in which women would be given health education, counseling, and financial and business training.  Among everything else these women come out of the program with, is empowerment.   

We are proud to carry these wonderful brands in our stores.  Now you know that when you purchase an item from one of these companies, you are helping someone in need!!  Check out their websites for more information.   Thirty One Bits and cooper & ella.  

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