If you are familiar with Waterlily and our team, you know that the successful biz consists of two incredible owners, Abbey Holloway and Catherine Spinosa, who have worked hard to make their dream come true. The idea of opening the shop sparked when the two were commuting to their jobs on a bus headed to NYC. And we are so glad they did!
This week we want to introduce you to one half of the dynamic duo, Catherine! We honestly couldn't say enough great things about her as a boss and as a person; she's sweet, passionate, bubbly, friendly and caring. Catherine's sense of style is absolutely perfect, which makes for a fabulous store buyer! You can spot her strolling through town on a sunny day with her husband, Nick, and toddler, Liam, by her side. We love when we get a special in-store visit from her and adorable little Liam (seriously, her mini me!).
Take a further look into Catherine's life:
Q: How did you get into fashion?
A: I had a short tomboy phase when I was younger but once I outgrew that..haha...I have really been into fashion ever since. I worked retail for a few years in high school and enjoyed it. When it came time to pick my major in college and I came across Fashion Merchandising I knew it was for me. The marriage of fashion and business really appealed to me.
Q: What does the day in the life of a boutique owner look like?
A: One of the things I love about owning a store is that everyday is different!! You never know who is going to walk through the door, if it will be busy or quiet, if we will get 2 boxes or 20. It's always changing. It's hard work but its also fun and so rewarding. Sometimes I pinch myself because I can't believe I get to do this for a living.
Q: The best part of my job is...
A: The best part for sure are the customers...the people we meet and the relationships that we have built through the years since opening 8 years ago. I also wouldn't love coming to work as much as I do without my Waterlily family. Abbey and the girls that work here are so great and help make the work environment happy and productive.
Q: My go to outfit...
A: I know this is boring...but I am so a t-shirt and jeans girl! I am all about comfort. Especially now that I have a 2 year old. My AG Jeans and a Splendid t-shirt or Free People sweater are quick, easy and comfortable. I know! Boring!
Q: Favorite place you've traveled?
A: Italy! My husband, Nick and I went to Italy for our honeymoon and it was in a word..AMAZING! It was beautiful and romantic and delicious!! We started in Venice and worked our way south to Florence, Rome, and the Amalfi Coast. The old buildings and architecture in the cities were so impressive and visiting the big sites like the Colosseum and the Pantheon make you feel like a part of history. The Amalfi Coast is stunning and literally took my breath away. Every meal was so good...we ate and ate! The caprese salad, the linguine with clams, the gelato..ok my mouth is watering. It's just an incredible place. I can't wait to go back!
Q: Favorite Book?
A: Oh boy this is really tough. I read every night before I go to bed. It's how I unwind at the end of the day. I love crime and murder mystery books but try not to read those all the time because then I have trouble falling asleep. I think I've read all of Nicholas Sparks' books (sappy, I know). I have recently gotten into Australian author Liane Moriarty's books. It's kind of like the Real Housewives meets Law and Order. Hmm..my favorite though for the last year would probably be The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins. Definitely a page turner.
Q: Your favorite way to spend your free time?
A: My absolute favorite thing to do with my free time is to spend it with my husband, Nick and 2 year old son, Liam...preferably on the beach! But really anywhere hanging with them is what makes me happy.
Q: If you were granted a one way ticket where would you go?
A: This is so tough because although I've been fortunate enough to have traveled to lots of different places in my life, there are still so many places I want to go. I am a total beach girl at heart and am happiest in the sand and sun so if I was granted a one way ticket I would love to go somewhere warm, tropical, and beautiful like the Maldives of Bora Bora...but really any tropical island will do :)
Q: Three things you can't live without?
A: As I've gotten older I have realized it's the simple things in life that really matter. My husband and son, family and friends, and health are what is most important. Ok so also I don't think I could live without my phone!...sad but true haha! And I'm addicted to chapstick..can't live without it.
Q: What is something you would love to learn to do?
A: I would love to learn how to speak Spanish. I have always wanted to but have never taken the time to consistently study it. My husband has a place down in Costa Rica and everytime we go down I'm embarrassed of how little Spanish we know. Maybe 2016 will be the year! I want Liam to learn another language too. I just think its so important at this time in the world.
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