New Spring arriving daily!

What are your favorite Pandora stations?

Each morning we have a checklist of things to do when we get to the store.  One of the first things, is to hit play on the iPod to get the music going.  We have a pretty great list of Pandora radio stations, but after awhile we tend to hear the same songs over and over again.  Some of our go to stations are George Harrison, Jerry Garcia, Mumford and Sons, Bob Marley, and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.  We would love to switch it up every now and again, so we want to know, what are you guys listening to?  What stations should we add to our Pandora radio?  Have you discovered anyone new that you think we would love?  Let us know!!

            Bob Marley Legend Album    mumford & sons Babel Album

            george harrison album     Edward Sharpe & the magnetic zeros album

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